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Lista de comprobación para la preparación de envíos

Como parte del proceso de envío, los autores/as están obligados a comprobar que su envío cumpla todos los elementos que se muestran a continuación. Se devolverán a los autores/as aquellos envíos que no cumplan estas directrices.
  • El envío no ha sido publicado previamente ni se ha sometido a consideración por ninguna otra revista (o se ha proporcionado una explicación al respecto en los Comentarios al editor/a).
  • El archivo de envío está en formato OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF o WordPerfect.
  • Siempre que sea posible, se proporcionan direcciones URL para las referencias.
  • El texto tiene interlineado sencillo; 12 puntos de tamaño de fuente; se utiliza cursiva en lugar de subrayado (excepto en las direcciones URL); y todas las ilustraciones, figuras y tablas se encuentran colocadas en los lugares del texto apropiados, en vez de al final.
  • El texto se adhiere a los requisitos estilísticos y biliográficos resumidos en las Directrices del autor/a, que aparecen en Acerca de la revista.
  • Si se envía a una sección evaluada por pares de la revista, deben seguirse las instrucciones en Asegurar una evaluación anónima.

Directrices para autores/as




Salud, Historia y Sanidad On-Line publishes original and interesting case reports that contribute significantly to public health, nursing, eduction, sport medicine and medical knowledge.Manuscripts must meet one of the following criteria:

  • Unreported or unusual side effects or adverse interactions involving medications
  • Unexpected or unusual presentations of a disease
  • New associations or variations in disease processes
  • Presentations, diagnoses and/or management of new and emerging diseases
  • An unexpected association between diseases or symptoms
  • An unexpected event in the course of observing or treating a patient
  • Findings that shed new light on the possible pathogenesis of a disease or an adverse effect

Authors should indicate in the abstract and cover letter how the case report adds to the medical literature. Submissions that do not include this information will be returned to authors prior to peer review.

Case reports should include an up-to-date review of all previous cases in the field. Authors should seek written and signed consent to publish the information from the patients or their guardians prior to submission. Authors will be asked to confirm informed consent was received as part of the submission process, and the manuscript must include a statement to this effect by including a 'Consent' section, as follows: "Written informed consent was obtained from the patient for publication of this case report and accompanying images. A copy of the written consent is available for review by the Editor-in-Chief of this journal

See the CARE guidelines to write the manuscript of case report.

Abstract: For a Case Report, the structured abstract must include the following headings: Case Description, Clinical Findings, Treatment and Outcome, Clinical Relevance

IntroductionThe Introduction should put the focus of the manuscript into a broader context. As you compose the Introduction, think of readers who are not experts in this field. Include a brief review of the key literature and epidemiology. The Introduction should conclude with a brief statement of the overall aim of the case report and a comment about whether that aim was achieved.

Case DescriptionA Case Report begins with the signalment (eg, age, sex, ...) of the patient, followed by a chronologic description of pertinent aspects of the diagnostic examination, treatment, and outcome, and ends with a brief discussion. When more than 1 patients is involved, a representative of the group should be described in detail; important differences among patients can be addressed separately. For reports in which there are 3 or fewer patients, pertinent abnormal findings should be summarized in the text. For 4 or more patients, 1 table that provides a summary of pertinent abnormal findings may be accommodated, provided that such findings are not repeated in the text.

DiscussionThe Discussion should be concise and tightly argued.Should discuss the main findings, differential diagnosis, therapeutic alternatives, as appropriate.Do not include the extensive literature reviews. Conclude with the value of the contribution to clinical practice or knowledge of the case report

ReferencesReferences must be limited to those that are necessary. Salud, Historia y Sanidad On-Line does not restrict the number of references; however suggests not exceed 12 for manuscripts


Letter to the Editor submissions must be no longer than 750 words, no more than 10 references, and no more than a total of 2 figures and tables (combined).  If the Letter to the Editor is written in response to a Salud, Historia y Sanidad On-Line article, the Editor-in-Chief may choose to invite the article's authors to write a Letter to the Editor reply.  The Letter to the Editor section is not considered to be an appropriate venue for publishing new data without peer review, nor for comments made in response to a previously published Correspondence.  Studies with scientific merit should be considered for submission as an Original Report to an appropriate journal.
Instructions for Letter to the Editor:Letters in reference to a Journal article must be received within 12 weeks after online publication of the article.Limit text to 750 words or fewer, limit of 10 references, no more than a total of 2 figures and tables (combined).Provide a succinctly worded title, which differs from the previously published Salud, Historia y Sanidad On-Line article.Include a title page.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes established in it and will not be provided to third parties or for their use for other purposes.