Jiu Jitsu for perceptual motor development with boysfrom 8 to 9 years’ old in times of covid-19
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Jiu Jitsu
Perceptual motor development

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Valencia Lara, J. S., & Martínez Camargo, E. C. (2021). Jiu Jitsu for perceptual motor development with boysfrom 8 to 9 years’ old in times of covid-19. Journal Health, History and Sanity, 16(1), 11–16. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4682256


It was observed that the children of the Mandala Pedagogical Center presented difficulties in their motor skills, corporality, spatiality, coordination, management of laterality and ba-lance. Objective: Contribute to the perceptual motor development of children from Jiu Jitsu. Methodology: Quantitative ap-proach of a pre-experimental type, longitudinal cut, in an inten-tional and convenient sample of 6 children, between 8-9 yearsold. A 12-session Jiu Jitsu program was applied for 6 weeks.Results: In the initial Ktk test 100 % of the children were po-sitioned in coordination disturbance with a score lower than85, in the final test 83 % were in very good coordination and16.6 % in normal coordination. because the score achieved wasbetween 115 and 140. The initial fantastic test showed 87 pointsout of 120 that correspond to a rating of “Good job”, in the final phase the data shown showed 106 points out of a maximumof 120, placing the Children in ”Fantastic Lifestyle”. Conclusions: The directed physical exercises based on the practice ofJiu Jitsu at these ages, generated significant improvements inthe perceptual-motor, physical, social and mental developmentin the participants.

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