Evaluation of indirect vo2 in male soccer players of in-termediate height of the sub-20 category of the PatriotasFutbol Club team based on their specific position on the pla-ying field
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How to Cite

Cardenal Daza, J. E., & Amaya Cruz, M. A. (2022). Evaluation of indirect vo2 in male soccer players of in-termediate height of the sub-20 category of the PatriotasFutbol Club team based on their specific position on the pla-ying field. Journal Health, History and Sanity, 16(1), 31–35. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5780446


Soccer requires the use of all energy systems, VO2max is
an important indicator of the aerobic possibilities of athletes,
it integrates multiple organic functions that reflect the level of
conditioning and the player’s state of health. Endurance training
has acquired a fundamental role in planning and programming
in soccer, it has a positive influence on the improvement
of qualities and, therefore, higher performance of the athlete
despite the controversy about the development of aerobic and
anaerobic in young soccer players and their possible interference
with other physical qualities. Target. Analyze the indirect
VO2max of the male under 20 players of the Patriotas Futbol
Club team according to their position on the field of play. Materials
and method. Quantitative and cross-sectional study. The
sample consisted of 28 male soccer players from the sub 20
categories of the Patriotas Futbol Club team, to determine the
indirect VO2max, the Course Navette Test was applied and Leger’s
formula was used to estimate Vo2max of each player based
on their position on the field. of game. Statistic analysis.
For the analysis of the variables, they were treated with SPSS
version 21 software. Results. It can be observed that there are
significant dierences (p 0.05) between groups, both in distance,
Vo2max, speed and in the period. There were no significant
dierences in the height variable between the groups. Conclusions.
Most of the male under-20 footballers of the Patriotas
Futbol Club team presented a Vo2max appropriate for their age
and competitive level. The Leger test contains a determining
and motivational factor for the players participating in the study.

PDF (Español (España))


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