Historically, the basic tools for planning and acting in epidemics and pandemics come from information systems, the need for information in real time, with population scope and described by analysis variables, in the pandemic due to covid from the beginning, through dashboard For permanent surveillance,
analysis and decision-making, together with epidemiological predictive models, are key tools to guide decision-making. The objective of this article is to describe Tunja39;s experience in the design of the dashboard quot; Te cuido me cuido Tunja quot; as a means of disseminating the cases officially presented in the
city of Tunja under key epidemiological parameters in covid19, with this analysis It is possible to identify the importance of the use of predictive models and information systems in real time
for the planning and preparation of concrete actions in advance, and the impact of their articulation with strategies for the time
identification of the virus and epidemiological fences with generalized tests and complete contact tracing, improving coordination between levels of care and epidemiological surveillance
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