Health behaviors of school adolescents in the prevention of Human Papillomavirus
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Sexual Behavior; Knowledge; Papillomavirus Infections; Self-Efficacy; Condoms; self-Concept.

How to Cite

Díaz Morales, karina, Osorio López, S., Hernández de la Cruz, N., Cortaza Ramirez, L., & Rosales Puchetae, A. (2023). Health behaviors of school adolescents in the prevention of Human Papillomavirus. Journal Health, History and Sanity, 18(1), 7–15.


Introduction. The Human Papillomavirus in adolescents can be prevented by adopting health behaviors from condom use and knowledge of the disease.

Objective. To explore adolescent health behaviors in the prevention of HPV, through previous behaviors (sexual activity, knowledge of HPV) and personal factors (self-esteem, spirituality), related to sexual self-efficacy and condom use. Methods. Descriptive, predictive and transversal design, with random sample of 338 school adolescents. Prior written consent of the parents and adolescent consent the Prior Conduct of Sexual Activity Questionnaire was applied, HPV Knowledge Questionnaire, Self-esteem Instrument for Adolescents, the Religious Attitude Scale and the SEA-27 Self-efficacy Scale. The data capture was done with the SPSS 20.0 program, and it was analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistics of Student’s t-test and simple and multiple linear regression. Results. 69% of adolescents did not report previous sexual activity behavior, while 31% presented this behavior. Adolescents without previous sexual activity behavior presented significantly more self-efficacy to say no to sexual relations than adolescents with this behavior. With 73% of the variance, knowledge of HPV and self-esteem explained the self-efficacy of condom use. Conclusions. Teenagers have health behaviors that promote the prevention of HPV. The research guides the practice of nursing with a theoretical support, to apply educational strategies aimed at the sexual health of adolescents, in collaboration with teachers and family.

Keywords. Sexual Behavior; Knowledge; Papillomavirus Infections; Self-Efficacy; Condoms; self-Concept.
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