Behavior of blood pressure in a 6-minute walk test in a hypertensive older adult woman
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Elderly women

How to Cite

Torres Flórez, E. R. R., Melgarejo Pinto, V. M., Galindo Guerra, D., & Camargo, A. P. (2021). Behavior of blood pressure in a 6-minute walk test in a hypertensive older adult woman. Journal Health, History and Sanity, 15(1), 42–47.


In the ”Healthy Lifestyle" for the respect of Elderly people program, offered by the Departmental Sports Institute of Boyacá (INDEPORTES BOYACÁ), there are people who sufferfrom different pathologies, among them a good number of HBP affected women and medicated. Objective: To determine thebehavior of blood pressure in elderly women diagnosed withhypertension and medicated at the racewalking six-minute test(R6MT). Metodology: Quantitative approach, descriptive de-sign of cross-section. The participants were elderly women between 60 to 69 years old diagnosed with HBP residents in Tunjacity duiring 2018, who signed the informed consent. Results: At basal state, 3 reported normality, and after recovery posttestit increased to 10; of 23 who reported high elevated BP, 15 were reported after recovery, decreasing by 24.8 %; there were 4in stage one in basal state, after recovery this data rose to 6.Of 6 that were in stage two, after recovery decreased to 5. The86 % tested women made an effort between submaximal andmaximal. Conclusion: The six-minute racewalk test demonstra-tes that physical activity reduces BP in hypertensive people. Itis recommended to increase the physical exercise in a systematic, planned and regular way as a treatment for HBP. Considerthe decrease and subsequent withdrawal of medications with amedical support; it is an indispensable support to improve thestyle and quality of life.
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