INTRODUCTION. With the appearance of COVID -19, the levels of physical activity decreased and sedentary behaviors increased, including prisons dedicated to the custody of detainees, judging and the application of sentences where confinement is more rigorous. OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the compliance with physical activity and health indicators of the prison population of Boyacá in penitentiary establishments participating in the program "Boyacá Avanza Más Activa" of Indeportes Boyacá, during the period August-November 2021 in Pandemic by COVID -19. METHODOLOGY. Descriptive study with a sample of 192 adults of the population deprived of liberty from 5 penitentiary centers where a questionnaire adapted by the Ministry of Sports was applied and the results were analyzed using of the Microsoft Excel system, each variable with ANOVA significance tests and correlation. RESULTS. The majority of the population deprived of liberty is at secondary (53.0\%) and primary (31.9\%) educational level; 52.63\% are overweight; 65\% meet the minimum of 150 minutes of physical activity/ week; those who reported more than 200 minutes sitting per week are directly related to cardiovascular risk; the minority presented high blood pressure or high sugar, there were no significant differences in relation to hours’ sleep and COVID -19. CONCLUSION. Physical activity program in prisons contribute to compliance with the minimum physical activity recommendations in the PPL.
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